Profile Sample Pages

The Three Primary Sections of the Profile Report

1.  Introduction to The DISC Profile Model.

2.  Detailed assessments of the player’s mental tendencies for the following four areas of the game –

  • Golf Temperament
  • Pre-Round Preparation
  • Playing Shots
  • Course Management

3.  The player’s Exercise Workshop with customized suggestions based on the player’s current mental traits.

Following are just a few sample pages of the 24 page report.

  • Sample Page 1 – Profile Cover Page
  • Sample Page 2 – A sample of the player's potential strengths and weaknesses.
  • Sample Page 3 – A customized strategy to help the player with a warm-up routine.
  • Sample Page 4 - One page summary for the instructor that describes the player's learning style and quick tips for working with the player.